Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC) celebrates World Health Day by launching “Immigrant Support Handbook – Access to Health Care”translated into Ukrainian, With the aim of facilitating access to the health system, in the province of Coimbra and in the CHUC, for newly arrived Ukrainian citizens.
This guide is the product of a CHUC Group project entitled “Literacy for Nursing Healthcare Safety” which, taking into account the current migration context across Europe, conceptualized the project “Strengthening Health Literacy for Ukrainian Immigrants (Recent Arrivals)”, the objectives being to facilitate the access of those Citizens into the health system and promote health literacy, thus contributing to a better integration in our country.
The project is based on the cooperation of a group of CHUC services such as social service, spiritual and religious assistance service and volunteer work, with particular importance to a group of CHUC specialists, of Ukrainian nationality, who volunteered on the spot to mediate communication between health professionals and Ukrainian citizens, whenever the need arises.
Based on the definition of the World Health Organization, “Health refers not only to the absence of disease, but to a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. This project also intends to move forward in its scope and involvement
Other areas of society and establishing partnerships with institutions such as social security, primary health care, the social sector and municipalities, with the aim of being able together to collaborate to achieve a more inclusive integration of these citizens. Immigrant Support Guide – Access to Health Care is available on CHUC Social Networks (https://www.facebook.com/chuc.oficial/) Nor Location.