Title: Rua Jose Manuel Vilela, 413 – Center
responsible: Lieutenant Lewis
phone: (64) 3632-4104
work hours: From 8 am to 11 am | From 1 pm to 5 pm
i.Exercising general direction, direction, coordination and supervision of the work of the Authority and its directly affiliated units; secondly. Exercising technical and organizational supervision over matters falling within the jurisdiction of the supervisory body, even if their implementation is delegated to another unit of the body; Third. Coordinating the survey and evaluation of public problems under the responsibility of the supervisory body and providing solutions within the scope of government planning; Fourthly. Send the Supervisory Body’s budget proposal for the following year to the Administration Secretariat and the Finance Secretariat, in a timely manner; 5. Prepare an annual report on budget implementation with regard to its oversight, accountability, and evaluation of the government’s work plan; opinion. Issuing preliminary orders in operations whose decision is the responsibility of the mayor and decision-making orders in those that fall within the scope of his competence; Seventh. Approval of the vacation schedule for employees of the supervisory body; Eighth. Allowing the payment of bonuses to employees for providing exceptional services, in accordance with current legislation; Ninth. Requesting the municipal mayor to appoint oversight staff, in accordance with current legislation; Tenth: Praise employees, apply disciplinary penalties, and suggest implementing penalties that go beyond their jurisdiction. eleventh. Determine the conduct of investigations to investigate violations, as well as request the mayor to initiate administrative investigations, when necessary; twelveth. Ensuring compliance with these regulations and giving instructions for carrying out the services; Thirteenth. Referring all appeal procedures submitted by violators to the Administrative Infractions Appeals Board (JARI), within the legal period, for a ruling; fourteenth. Providing technical, administrative and financial support to JARI, as specified by legislation (CONTRAN Resolution No. 233); Fifteenth. Requesting and authorizing the training of employees at the administrative and executive levels; sixteen. Study the processes related to this, and express an opinion on allowing or denying permits for taxi services; Motorcycle delivery. public charter, schools, tourism and experiential transportation; Transporting goods, which is the responsibility of the municipality, in addition to encouraging the registration of guard vehicles, trailers (cranes) and debris collection vehicles; seventeenth. Providing advice to the mayor in formulating policies to be adopted by the municipality in the field of transit and public transportation of passengers and goods; eighteen. Adhere to and implement traffic legislation and regulations, within the scope of their duties; nineteenth. Strengthening traffic regulation and the urban traffic system, in line with the competent bodies of the State and the Federation; Twenty. Encouraging and supervising the conduct of studies and research related to the transportation of passengers by buses, taxis, and motorcycles, with the aim of achieving the optimal dimension of the system; 21st. Encouraging and supervising the conduct of studies and research aimed at developing traffic and field engineering projects, and identifying possible funding sources for their implementation; twenty tow. – Proposing, in cooperation with the Municipality’s Department of Works and Urban Planning, general guidelines related to road structure. twenty third. Plan, design, organize and operate vehicular, pedestrian and animal traffic, and promote the development of cyclist movement and safety; twenty fourth. Plan and implement measures to reduce vehicle movement and redirect traffic, with the aim of reducing global pollutant emissions; 25th. Propose, after analyzing the cost spreadsheet, the value of the fare for public passenger transport, taxis, taxis and carriage paid for motorcycle delivery goods; 27th. Coordinating, programs, and implementing public transportation policy in the municipality. 27th. Completing, through decree, the regulatory standards to allow public transport services for passengers and goods within the municipality; Twenty-eighth. The operational details, by decree, of the municipality’s regular public passenger transport system, specifying trip routes, frequencies, times, locations, stopping times and standards for special services; XXIX. Develop operational plans for taxi, motorcycle, and motorcycle taxi delivery services, determining costs, equipment, and parking locations; XXX. Entering into agreements with state and federal bodies for the effective integration of the municipality into the national transportation system; Thirty-first. Analyze and decide on the implementation of plans and projects related to subdivisions, residential complexes and any type of urban equipment, construction or events that may affect traffic flow and the urban transportation system; Thirty-two. Coordination with other entities affiliated with the national traffic system in the country, in coordination with the State Traffic Council in the state, in coordination with the State Traffic Council – CETRAN; Thirty-third. Authorizing the provision of technical training, advisory services and monitoring of traffic and transportation-related activities to other bodies or municipalities, during the period to be determined between the two parties, with the payment of appropriate costs; Thirty-fourth. Granting a license to drive human- and animal-powered vehicles; Thirty-fifth. Ensuring that people with disabilities are safe and comfortable while travelling; Thirty-sixth. Sign all official documents from the Municipal Traffic Department; Thirty-seventh. Performing general administrative work and representing municipal traffic control, actively or passively, in court or out of court; Thirty-eighth. Strengthening the integration of the Authority with other bodies and entities affiliated with the National Traffic System for the purposes of collecting and compensating fines imposed in the field of its jurisdiction, with the aim of unifying licensing and simplifying and accelerating the processes of transferring vehicles and medical services registering drivers from one federal unit to another; Thirty-nine. Promoting good relations with military police authorities and other bodies affiliated with the national traffic system.