At the age of 79, Carlos Arria He surprises everything and everyone by revealing the dream of becoming a father again. Living in a stable relationship for 15 years with the Actress Pretty RoseThe actor, who is under 48, is considering expanding the family: “Nearing 80, I’m probably in the mood for a baby. I promise nothing, but we’re seriously considering”, via a direct phone call, to the “TVI Extra” programme. Responding to the presenter of the program, Flávio Furtado, Carlos Arria confirmed, in a joking manner, that he had done so.He went into training“.
Carlos Aria revealed that 15 years ago, when he met his girlfriend, at the time he was 16 and therefore underage, this was not even considered. In retrospect, he continued to think that it was still early.”At first, I thought it was not the right time to have a baby.he said, while explaining that it was also a way to protect Rosa Bella who was, at the time, fighting for a place in the world of acting.
today, feels sorry the choice. “It’s selfish to be a father at 70, said Luisa Castel Branco, and I think it’s stupid to talk about older men with younger women. That’s stupid. People love each other and it’s over”, shot Carlos Areia. The actor also spoke about the fact that children of elderly parents are more likely to lose their parents early:“We all lose mothers and fathers someday.“