tIt is normal to notice slight changes in weight. However, if the values fluctuate in some extreme cases every few minutes, something may be wrong.
Prevention magazine spoke with several nutrition experts to understand the main causes that can lead to these fluctuations.
“Weight tends to change daily mainly due to the state of the water and the contents of the intestines,” she begins by saying Sonya Angelone. “This difference can occur with how much food you eat and how much food is still in your gut, how often you go to the bathroom, how much you urinate, and even how much salt or sodium is in your diet,” he continues.
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This fluctuation in weight considered “normal” can range from 2 to 8 kilograms. For example, “women gain more than five kilos when they have their period,” reveals Vanessa Risito.
If your weight changes less than 2% of your body weight, there may be some concern. Scott Keightley explains that it may be related to certain conditions, such as kidney and heart disease, that lead to fluid buildup in the body.
“If the weight has changed more than a few pounds in a short period of time and you haven’t changed your diet or exercise routine, see your doctor or other health professional,” Sonia Angelone warns.
Also read: Here are the foods rich in fiber that help you lose weight