On the day Parliament approved Antonio Costa’s latest OE, the leader of the Liberal Initiative gave an in-depth interview with JE which you can watch in full via QR code on these pages. Rui Rocha defends the third pillar of Social Security and rejects the label “radical neoliberal” given to him by the Socialist Party. “Radicalism is the state in which the Socialist Party left Portugal,” he concluded.
The Socialist Party accused the Liberal Initiative of being a “radical neoliberal party.” Now we see Pedro Nuno Santos saying exactly that. Do you support or reject this definition?
Well, first of all, what we are proposing to Portugal are solutions that have been tested in many countries that have greater growth, development and prosperity than Portugal. I’m talking about Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Ireland. Therefore, it does not seem to me that the solutions that work in other countries and bring more wealth to people are radical. In this context, what the Socialist Party in Portugal did was radical, because data on poverty was issued yesterday and poverty rates rose. We have many Portuguese who still live in poverty, in a state of exclusion, and many children in a state of exclusion. Yes, this is extremism.
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