Within 24 hours, there were 42,980 new cases of COVID-19 in Brazil. The number appears in the Ministry of Health (MS) update this Sunday (18). On the balance sheet, 13,943,071 positive diagnoses have been confirmed since the first in February 2020.
The death toll from the new coronavirus pandemic has reached 373,335. From yesterday to today, 1,657 new deaths were confirmed.
There are still 3,660 deaths under investigation by health teams. This is because there are cases in which the diagnosis of the cause does not appear until after the death of the patient. The number of people recovered was 12,391,599. The total number of patients with active cases, which were followed up by the health teams, was 1,178,137.
The data is generally smaller on Sunday and Monday due to the small number of workers recording new cases and deaths. On Tuesdays, it tends to be bigger because on this day the balance sheet receives the backlog of unprocessed information over the weekend.
São Paulo (88350), Rio de Janeiro (41310), Minas Gerais (30309), Rio Grande do Sul (23192) and Parana (20349) are the Union units with the fewest deaths being Acre (20349). 1418), Roraima (1445), Amapa (1467), Tocantins (2,374) and Sergipe (3955).