The healthy habit of growing plants in homes and apartments requires attention so that it does not become a health problem. Containers in which vases are placed can become hotbeds for mosquitoes Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. The situation has been reported by environmental watchdog agents who visit properties across the Federal District daily.
Weekly, teams from the Ministry of Health decide where the environmental monitoring teams will go, based on the rate of dengue infection. In January alone, they visited 176,835 properties in DF, where 34,900 plots or areas were found to have enough water accumulation to create breeding grounds. Those containing eggs or larvae are treated with insecticides. Fogging is another strategy adopted as more cases are identified.
“Residents also need to play an agent role,” says Nucleus President of Environmental Surveillance of Guará, Herica Pereira. She explains that mosquito eggs can wait up to 450 days in dry locations, ready to hatch as soon as they come into contact with water. “It is necessary to clean and empty the containers in which water can accumulate once a week to eliminate the eggs,” he added.
Another position is cooperation with the work of environmental monitoring agents. “The population must be involved because it is a public health issue. We must welcome this professional because he is there to help everyone,” says Guara resident Guilherme dos Reis.
* With information from the Ministry of Health in DF
Brasilia Agency * | Editing: Rosualdo Rodrigues