Liliana Almeida Attention drawn by Martha Jill e Catarina Sequera This Thursday morning. The singer had received complaints from colleagues who felt uncomfortable about the noise Liliana made with Bruno de Carvalho, in the room, the night before. “I don’t think it’s cool” Marta said when she made it clear that she was uncomfortable with the situation. “I would prefer it not to happen again. We are all adults, wait!”asked the actress.
When Liliana left her room, she was doing her daily errand, cleaning the bathroom, and Bruno de Carvalho was captivated by what had happened. “I didn’t let them sleep”Remember, Liliana. “I couldn’t sleep because we made too much noise” The artist continued to explain to Bruno, revealing that she made her colleagues uncomfortable with the noises he made with the businessman during the night. The former head of the SCP suggested that they go to the confessional to explain everything that had happened that morning, but before that he questioned Lily. “But what was it, are you jealous? Did they want to be where I was? What did they feel so uncomfortable about, with space? We hacked the headsetPick up Bruno.
Despite the embarrassment, Liliana Bruno confirmed that she is comfortable with the situation and in the words of Marta and Catarina.
Does the couple take into account the attention of their colleagues?