It is no secret that a cell phone is much more than just a telephone device. In addition to the features offered by Internet access, such as reading emails, using apps and social networks, or conducting research, using a camera is a favorite among many users. Because it is light, compact, and (almost) always with the consumer, the cell phone meant that many cameras began to live in a drawer or cupboard at home, seeing much less daylight.
But, for the photos to be good, you have to Smartphone camera Be of quality. Equally important is getting some Be careful when taking pictures, so that the photos are worth sharing with friends and acquaintances. In this article, find out what aspects to consider when selecting and selecting devices with good photographic quality. To this end, the DECO PROTeste comparator was essential.
Some cameras actually lag behind in photographic quality
The latest tests indicate that The best cell phones outperform the photographic quality of their cameras Simple compacts, adventure models, and even some advanced entry-level devices, which are usually equipped with smaller sensors. Advanced, hybrid, and top-rated reflective machines outperform cell phones.
In short, the range of cameras that mobile phones actually outperform has fewer capabilities to manually adjust photographic parameters, such as aperture, speed, or ISO sensitivity. They also never include direct access buttons, which makes them easier to use. Finally, it does not allow you to change the lens, which makes it more limited in several aspects: adapting the focal lengths to the subject, using bright lenses with a fixed focal length or obtaining creative effects. In the second group of cameras with superior performance, the opposite happens. There are manual adjustments with easy access through dedicated buttons, eyepieces, and lens switching, which can include very bright fixed focal length lenses or even powerful zoom lenses, with great magnification power. In the camera comparison, discover several models and further explanations.
Mobile phones are unbeatable in digital processing
Good performance in the world of digital photography depends above all on… Sensorfrom Quality optics It’s from Image processing. Mobile phones require all of these elements to fit into a small space, which requires ingenious solutions.
Very small in the past, and Sensors They have already reached dimensions similar to those that are equipped with compact machines and some advanced and hybrid machines. What’s more: when there is little light, some sensors use pixel binning techniques to increase sensitivity to light, and thus photographic quality.
There are now many mobile phones with three or four cameras, in addition to the front camera – designed for the primary cameras Personal Photos -, bringing them closer to the versatility of optical zoom machines. For the “normal” wide-angle cell phone camera, there are now ultra-angle, macro, tele, and even depth-of-field sensors. The latter was developed to provide the desired bokeh effect, that is, focusing on one level and de-sharpening the rest. In machines, this technique is achieved with a more generous opening value. But it also helps to get closer to the subject or use a longer focal length. As for mobile phones, it depends on the specific camera, proximity to the body and digital processing. Once portrait mode is selected, the object in the foreground (face) is selected and the background is artificially blurred. This solution does not always work well, but there are also quite convincing results. Therefore, obtaining a natural bokeh effect is one of the criteria evaluated in the test.
The ability to Image processing Hence, this is the great added value of mobile phones, which allows them to overcome technical disadvantages compared to machines. They can, among other capabilities, capture and merge dozens of frames from the same scene, for example, at different focal lengths and exposure levels. The result is the best of the best: an image that contains the best parts of every frame.
In practice, buying a cell phone means carrying ComputerPlus five or six CamerasOne Video cameraOne Global Positioning System And a reader Digital books. And if you give it up, you can even To the phone…