In the UK, this is the time when the opposition leader is being investigated by police for allegedly violating prison rules. The police announcement chilled Labor’s celebrations of winning local elections in England and Wales.
In the UK, Labor elected more than 2,000 local MPs and captured five more municipalities, three of which were Greater London and important Conservative strongholds. Boris Johnson’s party elected about 1,000 delegates and lost at least 10 municipalities.
Controversy over parties on Downing Street during the lockout, coupled with the cost of living crisis, Conservative candidates will be affected in voting. The British Prime Minister thinks it could have been better.
According to opposition leader Khair Stormer, he is only thinking about the next legislative election. With no time to fire the rockets, the bucket of cold water came in half full of numbers.
The police confirmed that Keer Stormer is also under investigation Allegedly violated prison rules.
Is in danger Dinner with party executives When he was campaigning for the by-election in April last year. An argument used by the Leader of the Opposition at a time when the law prohibits gathering in one of the closed spaces, except for work.
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