The second district was chosen because it is the location with the greatest spread of mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever, Zika virus and chikungunya. The first mission off the mission was very important. We were able to visit a large number of homes and make the collections that are being analyzed. Presidente Vargas is a neighborhood worthy of attention as well, we will visit the residences, direct and distribute information materials and propose a clean-up of the land, and pay tribute to the Minister of Health, Sandro Ressler.
In places where there are larvae, the collection of material is sent for analysis, and if larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito are found, then dwellings within a radius of 300 meters are periodically reviewed. In addition to neighborhoods, extension and outreach work is also done in schools. Endemic agents also began mapping vacant lots containing litter to notify owners.
Be careful! To avoid the spread of mosquitoes, a guiding principle is always to clean drains, gutters, water containers and animal feed, leave bottles and containers mouthful, fill plant pot dishes with sand, and keep tarpaulins for building materials and swimming pools always stretched so that water does not accumulate.