An important mistake by Joao Pinheiro in not showing Bah, from Benfica, the second yellow card in the first half. In the rest of the match, beep correctly.
Bids under review:
5 pm
yellow correction
Joao Mario warned well. He has no intention of playing ball and cuts a promising attack.
26 pm
good dismissal
The second yellow well is shown on Eustaquio. In the first mistake he was reckless and in the second he had a worse entry.
39 pm
no reproach
Florentino travels to Galino but it’s not yellow, the area had many players and it wasn’t a serious attack.
43 pm
red for display
Bah hits Ottavio in the face with his hand and Galeano stumbles without intercepting the ball. The second yellow color to display the sequence of errors.
72 m
Great goal
Well verified goal. Fabio Cardoso puts David Neres into play the moment Rafa pass.
90 + 2 pm
difficult analysis
He doubts if the ball enters the goal. Diogo Costa defends, but this move is difficult to analyze.