UK pork exports were down 1.2% (353 tonnes swt) from October to a total of 28,800 tonnes, but down 8.3% (2,600 tonnes swt) in November 2021.
UK pork imports totaled 70,200 tonnes in November, up 2,600 tonnes (3.8%) month-on-month and 922 tonnes swt (1.3%) year-on-year.
Total EU exports increased in November, with Denmark trading at 17,200 tonnes swt, up 14.8% (2,200 tonnes swt) from the previous month. Poland saw the largest reduction in volumes shipped to the UK on a monthly basis, down 1,000 tonnes swt (17.0%).
The volume of imported fresh/frozen pork was unchanged in November at 27.9 thousand tons, although the volume decreased by 12.2% compared to the same month last year. Imports of pork and sausages posted consistent growth over the month and year. Sausages recorded the year’s biggest growth in terms of volume, with an increase of 938 tonnes (5.5%), up 3,900 tonnes (39%).
At the cumulative end of the year (January to November), 737.9 thousand tons of pork were imported, an increase of 74.4 thousand tons (11.2%) compared to the same period in 2021. Imports of all types of pork increased, but pork and sausages had the largest increases of 22.2% and 24.5% respectively.
UK pork exports were 28,800 tonnes, up 1.2% (353 tonnes swt) from October, but down 8.3% (2,600 tonnes swt) in November 2021. The European Union accounted for 45, 2% (slightly more than 13,000 tons of exports). and according to the average for the year. Within the EU, the largest quantities were exported to France, which received 2,300 tonnes of pork, mostly as fresh/frozen pork (1,555 tonnes). Outside the EU-27, 11,100 tonnes of pork were exported to China, accounting for 38.4% of November trade. More than 7,000 tonnes of waste were exported to China, indicating the importance of trade relations with the EU and China to maintain waste balance.
At the cumulative end of the year (January to November), 341.4 thousand tons of pork were exported, an increase of 7.1% (22.5 thousand tons) compared to the same period in 2021. Year-on-year growth in volumes recorded for all categories except fresh/frozen. Bacon saw the largest increase compared to the same period in 2021, at 6,207 tonnes (68.8%), returning to pre-pandemic levels. Processed pork had the second largest increase, an additional 2,400 tonnes (20.2%) over the year. Fresh/frozen pork decreased slightly year-on-year, retreating 0.8% (1,400 tonnes), but exported 174,400 tonnes for the year, accounting for 51.1% of pork exported.