It does not yet have its own name given by the World Health Organization, but it is no less worrying. AY. 4.2, a sub mutation of the delta type, has alerted scientists and health officials in the UK.
But what is known about this ‘offspring’, let’s call it, the delta variant, which is much more contagious than the original Govit-19 virus. Scientists have already begun to closely examine this new subtype, which is causing more and more cases not only in the UK. In the UK, alerts are all triggered by lawsuits filed by AY. 4.2 to increase day by day.
Franுவாois Baloux, Director of the Institute of Genetics From University College London, On Twitter this Saturday, this subtype seems to be spreading 10% more than the most common delta type in the UK, the so-called AY.4.
Jeffrey Barrett, chair of the medical genetics team at the Wellcome Trust Sankar Institute, said on Twitter on Tuesday that only one descendant of the AY.4.2 delta is gradually rising. According to the expert, this subtype precedes the delta type.
Outside the UK, AY. 4.2 is still rare, appearing only in Denmark and the United States.
The virus that causes Covit-19 gets two new mutations a month. According to Scribes University, Delta currently has 56 heirs, including data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.