a artificial intelligence Gave life Drawings made by different people Online. This initiative was implemented by the influencer Jefferson Menezes (@employee) who released the results of the AI creation of his son’s artwork. With that, the situation ended up going viral on Twitter.
According to what he himself said to TechWorldNormally, the user would use Photoshop’s resources for editing, but this time he did none of that. With the popularity, many other people started to submit requests, and he also responded to them and posted them on the blue bird social network. However, the influencer warns:
He’s only four, so for him it’s “computer magic.” But I admit I worry about the limits of this and will try to teach him more about it when he’s older, especially about using it for commercial versus recreational purposes. Even because one thing is to do it as a joke, as I did, and another thing is to sell that work, which I find to be a bit more complicated.
In general, the most diverse types of graphics have been shared to become art recreated by artificial intelligence. The software used by Jérferfon was stable spreadwhich can be used to create images from text or other images, as another user recently did with GTA San Andreas characters.
Despite the potential risks, the influencer says how he feels about the advancements provided by resources that use AI:
every day [os sistemas de IA] They are doing more and more amazing things. It’s embarrassing. And sometimes I find myself generating stuff in the AI and saying “just one more round of shooting and that’s it” and repeating it constantly