The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is the new fantasy-inspired series created by JRR Tolkien, who has already produced two film trios led by Peter Jackson. Actors like Ian McKellen as Gandalf or Elijah Wood as Frodo formulated our vision for the characters. But this does not mean that they are completely faithful to the descriptions given by the writer in the books..
In the same way that the young actors brought up in the various Harry Potter films, they can be very different from what is described in the books by J.K. Rowling. Will Hermione, Ron and Harry Potter be the pretty boys we see in the movies?
In the gallery, see comparisons of AI images with films:
This is exactly the proposed exercise on an artificial intelligence system called Dall-E2, presented by software engineer Jim Clyde Mongey at your blog. a Dall-E2 is described as a new artificial intelligence system capable of creating photo-realistic art from text descriptions written in natural language.. It is said to use a process called “propagation” that starts with a pattern of random dots and gradually changes into an image as it learns about specific aspects of the descriptions. The author says that the system operates by 3 billion parameters, and therefore is able to generate very realistic and assertive images.
As you can see in the images of The Lord of the Rings, there are a few differences that should be noted, considering the descriptions of the books. For Frodo Baggins, the AI has captured the description that the hobbit was 50 years old, so the image created corresponds to a middle-aged man. It’s only in Tolkien’s world, the hobbit of this age is still fierce small, After he was cast as Elijah Wood, who was 22 years old in the first film. In the gallery you can see other characters such as Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Sam Wise.
Regarding Harry Potter, the differences between interpreting AI and casting actors are just as bad. You are The glasses do not deceive, but the details of the young magician the protagonist are completely different, such as the color of the eyes in the books is green, but the actor Daniel Redcliffe has blue.. You’ll probably be afraid of Emma Watson’s “angelic” Hermione, with a stronger personality and a more sinister vibe. See the rest of the cast being reproduced by AI on the show.