Apple announced watchOS 8, the most Last A copy of the smartwatch platform. It has worked on watchOS 7 and will be available for the first time for developers to test their apps starting today, with a public beta release in July. A final public release is expected later this fall.
Apple watchOS 8 will really take care of your health and it’s worth it!
In this regard, Apple is launching a new Mindfulness app, an extension of the Respirar app that appears throughout the day. In practice, it adds new animations and other features to help you relax.
However, the fitness app is receiving more types of training for Tai Chi and Pilates. On the other hand, the Apple Watch’s Health app will explicitly track your breathing rate while you sleep and let you know if it’s outside your normal parameters.
The screen is also featured and it’s a new screen that lets you use a photo taken with your iPhone’s portrait mode and add text and other information. Apple says it will be able to customize the text displayed and how it integrates with the image itself.
Likewise, the Photos on Watch app arrives with a new design and the ability to share photos directly via the messaging app or the Apple Mail app. There are new options for entering text when replying to messages.
This includes a new Focus mode that lets you choose which apps or contacts have priority.
In addition, you can also use your watch to search for other Apple devices, such as AirTags.
On the other hand, the Home app for watchOS 8 is being redesigned, with more shortcuts for commonly used devices and the ability to view images from security cameras.
There are other new additions as well, including next hour precipitation alerts. In addition, more apps can take advantage of the Apple Watch’s always-on display, including Maps, Awakening, Now Playing, Phone, Podcasts, and more.
Finally, you’ll be able to set multiple simultaneous timers on your Apple Watch and give them unique names.
Apple says WatchOS 8 will be available for models up to Series 3.
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