Annapolis broke a record of applied vaccines on Monday (9). There were 6,700 doses and the Municipal Health Service (Simosa) announced that it will continue immunization on Tuesday (10).
“People aged 28 or over, with comorbidities and disabilities, education and health professionals, the elderly, pregnant women, and postpartum women. [são o público-alvo]. The working hours are from eight in the morning until four in the evening.
The first dose will be applied at the following points: UniEVANGÉLICA, formerly known as Cerest and health units Arco-Íris and Bairro de Lourdes, for pedestrians; and the Newton de Faria International Gymnasium, CMTT and health unit Annex Itamaraty, in the drive-thru system.
According to Simosa, pregnant women and women after childbirth continue the exclusive point of Serest for the immunizing agent from Pfizer, which the Ministry of Health indicated for this group.
Remember that for the second dose, the pregnant woman must obtain medical clearance. He noted that in this place the second dose of this vaccine is also used, but only for those who took the first vaccine in Annapolis.
The second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine was found at the Milk Bank, JK Health Units and Santa Maria de Nazareth. CoronaVac is only available in the Santa Maria de Nazareth unit.