Parents with young children’s nights are known as the blight of sleepless hours. Well, that’s what Andrea Rodriguez talked about in her latest social media post. With humor, the SIC presenter shared a photo of her, quite different from the one the audience is used to seeing.
“Good morning! That’s how I feel today… and it wasn’t because I went to rock in Rio‘, Detect a caller who has not joined Celebrities who attended the festival. “Suppose there was another kind of party during the night, in two stages here at home…”Mamãaaa,” “Mãeeeeee,” “Mamãaaa.”He explained about the turbulent night.
“It was unheard of…but let’s just say it was festival night! No silence, when he stopped on one side he started on the other. No queues, no rain, easy-to-decorate themes, and some differences between ‘paiii’, with Appearing and not having to ask. Tip! It’s worth the fact that despite being new to these life journeys and sights, they’re our favorite band(s) ever!He described, referring to the bands and adapting them to the names of his daughters.
Andrea Rodriguez is the mother of Ines and Alice.