The University Professor of Political Science and International Relations held a mini-conference in Cascais, midway through Europe, and the day after his successor to the PS and the incumbent Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, to celebrate the Porto Social Summit as a success. . Under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
“It is unacceptable that Europe, already without an excuse for the United Kingdom, after 15 months, has not yet completed the approval process for its economic recovery plan, in the face of the suffering of people and the difficulties of companies,” critics.
Seguro condemned the fact that it took “five months to approve the plan, plus 10 without approval by all members.” [ter havido] Fear of a German constitutional court ruling that could paralyze ratification. ”
The so-called “bazooka” or “vitamin” financial from Brussels to support the economy due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic covers a total of 1.8 billion euros, and each of the 27 member states has its own plan for recovery and resilience.
“It was also so, in response to unemployment and poverty, with 11 member states, on the eve of the Porto Social Summit, remembering that social and employment policies are a national prerogative. European leaders do not want to answer these questions because they fear the consequences.”
For Seguro, EU leaders “follow the logic that it is better to ignore the problem than to create more problems”.
“But they are wrong. Europe’s biggest problems are the result of its ambiguity and its lack of political courage. Until we respond clearly and without fear of the consequences, we are not saving Europe.
The intervention of Antonio José Seguro helped in the opening of the headquarters of Associação Nossa Europa, headed by the former President of the Political Security Council, Carlos Coelho, in Cascais, and in the presence of the local mayor, who is also the Social Democrat Carlos Carreras, on Europe Day.