To celebrate the World Day for Prevention and Safety at Work, which is celebrated on April 28, Águas do Norte has held the “3 S (Health and Safety, Always) Week”. The initiative started on April 26, at Vila Real.
This event was created in 2018 by the corporate sustainability department of the company that has “always served” Goal “Ensure that there is a culture of safety and health throughout the supply chain, as well as social responsibility, whereby the right to a safe, healthy and socially responsible work environment is respected at all levels”in a statement.
The “Three Years Week (Health and Safety, Always)” started with an awareness session on the topics of social responsibility, safety and health at work, and three seminars were organized dedicated to the following topics: Social Responsibility in Aguas do Norte, Socially Responsible Supply Chain and Occupational Health and Safety.
With this event, which has about 40 participants, including 20 companies, Águas do Norte intended to “Disclosure of the Social Responsibility and Safety Management System, involving the partner companies of Aguas do Norte”.
Águas do Norte began operations on June 30, 2015 and, as concessionaire of a multi-municipal water supply and sewage system in northern Portugal, is responsible for the collection, treatment and provision of water for public consumption and the collection, treatment and rejection of domestic, urban and industrial effluents and effluents from septic tanks.