Two cases of the disease were confirmed in the city of São Paulo
This week, two confirmed cases monkey pox in Brazil. The latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than a thousand cases of the disease have already been confirmed in at least 29 countries considered non-endemic for the virus.
The agency warns that the situation warrants attention, but there is no need for residents to worry. Although the disease is transmitted by a virus, just like COVID-19The mode of transmission of the two diseases is completely different. While the coronavirus can be more easily transmitted through the air, monkeypox requires close contact with an infected person or objects an infected person uses.
The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, told the press New cases can be avoided as long as affected countries make efforts to identify all cases and contacts to control the outbreak. “To support countries, WHO has released guidance on monkeypox surveillance, contact tracing, laboratory testing and diagnosis. In the coming days, we will release guidelines on clinical care, infection prevention and control, vaccination and more guidance on protecting the community.”Adhan said.
Cases of monkeypox in Brazil
a first case In the country it was confirmed on June 8, in a man who was in Spain and Portugal. He is still isolated in a hospital in Sao Paulo. Already The second case He’s a man, too, but he’s reclusive in his home in Finheido, in the state.