almost daily between “Party is Party” recordings, or even when you are alone at home, Silvia Rizzo, 54 years old, Dedicated to Tik Tok. The videos, always fun and most of the time with the cast of TVI TV series, went viral.
Today, the actress has 208,000 followers on this network alone (plus 315,000 on Instagram), and she has 1 million likes. “It started as a joke during the pandemic. It made sense, because we were so aloof. I spent a lot of time on my own and that gave me strength, it gave me fun. In fact, I know TikTok saved a lot of people’s lives. Because that’s fun,” he said. In statements to “TV Guia”.
The creativity of the videos was not thought at all. “It’s surprising,” said Silvia Rizzo. “If I’m in the studio, I gather a few colleagues and friends, and it goes out, usually without training.” Traffic to her space on Tik Tok is increasing, but only recently the actress recognized her “200,000+ followers”. That’s why, unlike many out there, he hasn’t done anything to make money using this social network.. “Maybe I should take part in this. I just need someone to guide me and take care of my life. I do everything spontaneously and for the enjoyment of those who pass it, but If you can make money… let’s go!‘, he announced.
Read more on this week’s TV Guia. over here.
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