CMTV: Adriano Silva Martins and Daniel Nascimento clash again, live.
It’s not the first time, it definitely won’t be the last.
Adriano Silva Martins and Daniel Nascimento fell out on CMTV’s Noite das Estrelas.
This all happened when they hooked up with Sofia Ribeiro, who said she was single and never missed having someone.
Adriano Silva Martins noted that Sofia Ribeiro “With this temperament that she has, it’s not easy. She has a bad mood“.
“But are you her friend? How do you know she has a bad mood? Does she evaluate the pictures and data and conclude that she has a bad mood?asked Daniel Nascimento.
“He has a bad mood because you can tell he has a bad mood. Sofia Ribeiro isn’t just famous since yesterday, she has a track, she’s never been nice, she’s not nice, she’s not friendly with the press, and sometimes that borders on bad manners.Q,” insisted Adriano.
“If there are people who don’t like my personality, why don’t we like my personality?Quentino Ayres asked.
“Nobody said they didn’t like itDaniel Nascimento replied.
“I almost got slaughtered here by you, Daniel NascimentoAdrian said.
“did you slaughter seriously?Daniel replied.
“I said I almost didn’t want to sueAdriano finished.