By the time 46 million people have already been vaccinated, 40 to 50 thousand new Covit-19s and about a thousand have been hospitalized per day – and more than 36 million have already been fully vaccinated.
After all, 60% of those hospitalized in the UK due to Govt-19 are not vaccinated. The correction was made on Twitter by Patrick Valens, Boris Johnson’s top government adviser. At a news conference with Boris Johnson, he said the opposite: 60% of those admitted had full immunizations.
“Correction of a statistic I gave at the press conference was that 60% of Govt-19 hospitals did not come from those who had been fully vaccinated, but instead 60% of those admitted to Govt-19 hospitals were from non-vaccinated individuals,” he wrote.
About 40,000 new Govt-19 and 19 deaths have been reported in the UK in the last 24 hours.
The British official added that more than a thousand people a day are expected to be hospitalized as infections continue to rise in the country.