Do Sol was having a hot weekend in the middle of winter. On Saturday, thermometers indicated 31.2°C in Parube, 30.7°C in Vincio Aires, 30.6°C in Colinas, 30.4°C in Estrella, 30.1°C in Porto Xavier and 30°C in Tres Coras.
Today, clouds and rain for part of the day in the south and east of the state prevented further warming in part of the state, but even so, many cities in the state were hot. The highest value occurred in Torres with 30.7 °C.
In Porto Alegre, Saturday, it recorded a maximum of 28.1 degrees Celsius in Jardim Botanico, while today the temperature rose to 23.9 degrees Celsius in Belém Novo. In Campo Bom, in the urban area, high temperatures are 29.1°C on Saturday and 28.2°C today.
The starting week can be divided into two parts. The first is hot, the second is cold. That’s because the temperature will remain quite high this time of year until midweek, when a cold front crosses the state.
Severe weather prevails Monday and Tuesday in most parts of Rio Grande do Sul. The two days will be very high marks for the end of June in most areas of Rio Grande do Sul. It rained more farther south on Monday and between the campaign and south of Rio Grande do Sul on Tuesday.
Monday and Tuesday afternoons should be high near 30C or even isolated above it in places in the West, Northwest, Central, Valleys and Greater Porto Alegre. Warm weather will keep humidity high with damp surfaces indoors and outdoors.
The sun will appear with clouds across most parts of the state on Monday. At the beginning of the day, at dawn, weak and isolated rains do not leave the greater Porto Alegre, but the day will be sunny in the metropolitan area. Clouds enter during this second between the Campaign and south of Rio Grande do Sul with the possibility of local rain.
A hot air mass of tropical origin continues over Rio Grande do Sul today and brings another humid day at maximum altitude and well above average for this time of year. Until recovery at night, the temperature will still be high.
On Wednesday, the weather changed. During the fourth period, a cold front advances across Rio Grande do Sul bringing rain to all regions during the day. In general, volumes should not be large in most municipalities. The day still starts hot and humid, but ends cold.
Thursday and Friday mornings are cool with the possibility of frost in some areas, such as Campanha and the Sierra. Lower limits below 10°C will be circulated. The sun returns and the temperature of the two days is moderate in the afternoon.