More and more parents and teachers are concerned about one of the most common problems among children and teens, especially when they return to school: poor posture. The consequences of postural deviations, at present, can be detrimental to performance in studies, and in the future, they can cause serious problems.
Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica physiotherapist Ariane da Rocha points out that in recent years the offices have seen more patients between the ages of 10 and 17. Developing regular physical activities is one of the main forms of prevention, especially in the developmental stage.
According to Aryan, the process of defining the problem is important. The main complaint of teens with poor posture is back and neck pain. We also noticed an unwanted tummy, which means weak abdominal muscles. The physiotherapist says that the muscular system in the abdominal area is extremely important for maintaining proper posture.
There are more obvious signs, such as the shoulders rolling forward and the head down. “They signify that the situation needs to be corrected,” says the doctor.
physical activity in prevention – Correction often includes prevention, which prevents the onset of pain. “It is very important for children and adolescents to do some physical activity so that strong muscles follow the growth of bone and joint structure in an integrated way, especially in the growth phase,” he explains.
The list of activities includes swimming, pilates and gymnastics. Where the main focus of these activities is on planning, focus and body awareness mainly, counseling is another important point regarding these practices. Oftentimes, overtraining or loading (weighting) on gym equipment – as examples – is common among teens who get excited about this activity. Individual boundaries must be respected.
Ariane warns of the effects of incorrect posture in this age group. “Bad posture causes back pain, constipation, abdominal pain, headaches, and neck pain. It also breeds scoliosis, which can be mild to severe. Therefore, knowing how to identify it is crucial to start looking for a good treatment,” he says.
Pilates sessions and Global Postural Rehabilitation (RPG) are two of the most popular ways to correct posture. Arian says these techniques should only be performed by a professional physical therapist. It is also indicated for medical advice.
* Ariane Da Rocha, Physiotherapist at Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica.
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